Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Think Personalized Learning!

This week, our #NCed chat will be joining forces with #SCed for our first #CarolinaEd chat!  Please jump into the chat with the #CarolinaEd hashtag.  Our chat will be hosted by Chris Beyerle, a New Tech Extension Coach at Greenville County Schools in South Carolina, Jamie Frye of Newton-Conover City Schools, and Jill Thompson, Personalized Learning Program Manager at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

During our #CarolinaEd chat, we will be discussing Personalized Learning and talking about your tweets in a Google Hangout.  Watch the chat live at 8:00pm, embedded below!

To learn more about Personalized Learning, visit Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools' Personalized Learning webpage,

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Two Years Later, #NCed Going Strong

Two years ago, four educators from the Hickory area had a dream of creating a virtual space where NC educators could come together and share strategies, ideas, information, and news.  Dr. David Stegall and Cindy Geddes were both in Newton-Conover at the time.  Heather Mullins worked for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, and Dr. Jayme Linton worked at Lenoir-Rhyne University.  The four brainstormed how to create this virtual space and ensure a state-district-higher-ed partnership. Then, #NCed was born.
Today, hundreds of thousands of tweets later, and eleven regular moderators strong, #NCed has become the “go-to” Twitter site for NC education news.  Check out the spring chat lineup below, and join us for an upcoming conversation.

Originally posted at http://nccscurriculum.org/2015/03/17/two-years-later-nced-going-strong.

Monday, February 16, 2015

#NCed Talks Edcamp

Join this week's #NCed Twitter chat and Google Hangout on Air to discuss the edcamp model. At 8:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, February 17th, educators will gather on Twitter and Google+ to talk about their experiences with edcamp and to share advice for future edcamp participants and organizers. In addition to the Twitter chat, there will be a panel of North Carolina educators who have participated in and organized edcamps. These panelists will discuss their experiences via Google Hangouts on Air. Join in the conversation via Twitter and watch the live Google Hangout On Air below.

To connect with #NCed, subscribe to our blog, join our Google+ Community, and like us on Facebook