Tuesday, August 6, 2013

National Board Chat

Amid all of the unfortunate legislation in North Carolina, one bright spot is the decision to continue National Board pay for teachers.  The process of self-analysis and reflection as well as the emphasis on classroom instructional design and pedagogy are second to none in terms of educator growth.  In 2001, I began the National Board process because the 12% pay increase was appealing.  I had no children, and it seemed like a great time, six years into my career, to pursue this certification.  What I did not expect was an incredible, eye-opening learning experience that changed the way I thought about my students, my teaching, and my instructional choices forever. I have heard many NBCTs share the same sentiments about the process.  The design of the entries, the pouring over video footage of my own instruction, and the deep analysis of my instructional choices were eye-opening.  I honestly believe that my National Board journey was the first step in my evolution as an instructional leader.

Tonight's #NCed Chat will feature Beth Edwards, former NCDPI National Board Coordinator.  Beth still works for NCDPI as a Professional Development Consultant in Region 1, and she still works with National Board to support teaching and learning in North Carolina.  I have had the distinct honor of working with Beth for the past few years, and she is passionate about National Board and committed to serving educators across our state who seek this prestigious certification.  Currently, Beth is enrolled at the University of North Carolina - Wilmington - seeking an Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction.

During our August 6, 2013 chat, we will share and solicit information from North Carolina National Board Certified Teachers about how the process affected teaching and learning in their classrooms, structures in place for support for NBCTs across our state, and resources available to support candidates.  Join us at 8 pm as we explore the world of National Board Certification.

Resources and Websites
National Board Website
NEA National Board Resources
Guide to Understanding National Board

National Board Online Support Groups

Middle Childhood Generalist- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MC-GEN-NBC/

Support Contacts
Dr. Sonja Brown, North Carolina NCDPI NBC Coordinator  Sonja.brown@dpi.nc.gov
Karen Garr, North Carolina NBPTS Teacher Engagement Director  Kgarr@nbpts.org
Elic Senter, NCAE Center for Instructional Advocacy elic.senter@ncae.org 

Suggested Reading
Accomplished Teaching: The Key to National BoardCertification by Bess Jennings, Mary Ann Joseph, and Frank Orlando

By Bobbie Faulkner


  1. Thank you! The only thing that holds me back is pure fear! :) Does NCCAT still do a national board workshop?

  2. NCCAT has offered that seminar in the past, but I don't see it on their calendar of upcoming seminars.
